Ультрафиолетовые флуоресцентные чернила на водной основе для печати водой

The UV Invisible Water Based Fluorescent Ink is a highly specialized ink designed for water flexo printing. Offering invisibility under normal light and a brilliant fluorescent glow under UV light, this ink is the ideal solution for creating secure, tamper-proof prints.

Invisible Yet Brilliant

This water-based fluorescent ink is engineered for maximum security and performance. Under normal light conditions, the ink remains completely invisible, making it perfect for covert markings, hidden labels, and anti-counterfeit applications. Однако, under UV light, the ink glows brightly, revealing the hidden markings and adding a layer of protection to your printed materials.

Ideal for Flexo Printing

Designed specifically for water flexo printing, this ink provides excellent adhesion, high-quality results, and vibrant color output. It flows seamlessly through flexographic printing presses, ensuring crisp, clear prints with consistent quality. It is compatible with a variety of substrates, providing versatility for different types of packaging and printing projects.

Environmentally Friendly and Safe

Our water-based ink offers a safe and eco-friendly solution for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact. Free from harmful solvents, it provides a low-VOC (volatile organic compound) alternative, making it suitable for industries that require compliance with environmental standards. The ink dries quickly, ensuring efficient production without compromising print quality.

Broad Applications

This ink is ideal for a wide range of applications, including security labels, packaging materials, branded goods, and any product that requires hidden, UV-visible markings. It’s perfect for businesses seeking to protect their brand from counterfeit products while providing customers with an added layer of security.

Elevate your printing capabilities with UV invisible water-based fluorescent ink for water flexo printing. Designed for high security and environmental sustainability, it’s the perfect choice for industries where authenticity and safety are a priority.

Water Based Fluorescent Ink
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Сертификат Mingbo Ink

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А: Мы фабрика,Найдите в провинции Гуандун, и наш офис находится в Шэньчжэне недалеко от порта в Гонконге

Q.: Удивительно, сможешь ли ты принять для меня небольшой заказ?
А: Да,Конечно мы делаем ,Независимо от небольшого порядка или большего количества,Мы всегда приветствую вас и предоставим вам лучший сервис.

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А: Устроить доставку в 2-3 рабочие дни после получения оплаты.

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А: Да, конечно ,Все существующие образцы могут быть бесплатными для вас.

Q.: Когда я могу получить цитату?
А: Обычно мы цитируем вас внутри 24 часы аффер, lf, вы срочно получаете цитату, Пожалуйста, позвоните нам или сообщите по электронной почте, чтобы мы могли ответить вам приоритет.

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